Whether you're 14 weeks pregnant or 41, prenatal yoga is accessible and appropriate for you.

It is said that babies do 108 poses in the womb!

We are all born yoginis! 

C l a s s e s


4:00 - 5:15 pm

  • Summer Break- no classes

$25 per class.

Join Jenna for prenatal yoga at The Wild Nurturer*
*9930 Johnnycake Ridge Road Unit 2F  |  Concord, OH 44060

You are signed up when your payment has been received.




And not a general, all level yoga class?

  • Why are so many births ending surgically today?

  • What is induction and when is it needed?

  • How can you create a birth plan?

  • What local prenatal, birthing, & postpartum resources exist?

    Prenatal yoga classes can help! Classes are about more than just doing poses!

B o d y

Yoga poses help to encourage your baby to get into an optimal fetal position for a straightforward birth by releasing the unease and kinks in your body, which are often a result of our sedentary lifestyle and body  habits. Prenatal yoga can help relieve sciatica, heartburn, low back pain, and even breech presentation, all common occurrences during pregnancy. (Is your baby breech? See below!)

M i n d

Learn to create a calm mindset through breathwork and being in community with other pregnant women. 

C o n n e c t

Best of all, connect with your baby, away from the daily noise and grind, in a supportive environment, heart to heart. 

All new, first-time students receive a deck of Inspired Birth Affirmation Cards. 💐

Is your baby breech?

I have a video class recording for that! Email me! I highly recommend BIRTHING INSTINCTS and DOWN TO BIRTH podcasts. Look for their specific episodes on breech. Excellent info to help you decide how you want to birth your breech baby.

PS - These podcasts are a must listen whether your baby is breech or not! Invaluable info on how to traverse the modern medical culture of birth and how to trust yourself to decide what is best.

About Jenna

Jenna Hull has taught prenatal yoga since 2015. She is a trained and experienced doula (DONA) and educated in Spinning Babies, along with skills and experience using the rebozo, birth ball, and peanut ball. Jenna is also an Advanced Reiki Practitioner. She authored Inspired Birth - Affirmations for the Childbearing Year, illustrated by local artist Brittany Selfe Paynter.

Jenna is mama to three children, her greatest accomplishment. Her original birth plan was to hire her OBGYN and get an epidural immediately. Things changed over the course of the first pregnancy. At her 8 month appointment she fired her OB, hired a midwife, and planned for a home birth. Her first baby arrived at 42 weeks after 34.5 hours of labor, and weighed 8lbs 8oz. Her second baby also arrived at 42 weeks after six hours of labor and weighed 11lbs 6oz. Her third baby arrived at 40 weeks after about an hour of labor and weighed 8lbs 12oz. All babies were born at home and it was a life changer. Jenna became impassioned about empowered birth and has brought that energy and love to prenatal yoga.

Jenna believes that you know how to give birth and your baby knows how to be born, but you must prepare yourself, and choose your birth team and your birth location wisely in order to achieve your goal. Prenatal yoga is where Jenna loves to help mamas help themselves to figure it all out.

All birth plans are welcome. XO

Jenna can be reached at JennaHull27@gmail.com

“Life doesn’t come with a manual.
It comes with a mother.”

© 2024 Pearl Moon Prenatal Yoga

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